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Elmer Vargas Salazar

Web Developer
Elmer Vargas Salazar cover photo

I am a technician graduated from Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje - Costa Rica, and I find myself widely capable of transforming the ideas or requirements that users need, into aesthetic and interactive pages or websites through development of code from designs already defined.

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Silhouette Icon About Me

I had never in my life known how extraordinary programming is or how to create a website, however in 2019 I made the great decision to take a Web Development technician. Since I wrote the first lines of HTML code when I was 19 years old, I felt very impressed, and from there my passion for this branch awakened through constant practice and self-learning.

Today I feel as a competent being, and I am eager to show my adquired knowledge and apply it inside this real world of development to build products adequately presentable and interactive in the web browsers, as well as adaptable to diverse devices.

Elmer Vargas Salazar profile photo

Some hobbies:

Piano Icon

Play piano

Person Walking Icon

Go for a walk

Books Icon

Read books

Silverware Icon


HTML Character Icon My Skills

1) HTML5
CSS Logo
2) CSS3
Bootstrap Logo
3) Bootstrap
Sass Logo
4) Sass
JavaScript Logo
5) JavaScript
JQuery Logo
6) JQuery
Visual Studio Code Logo
7) Visual Studio Code

Website Icon My Works

Photo of the work: Google Design

Duplication of the site corresponding to the most popular search engine in the world: "Google"

Photo of the work: CTP Dos Cercas

Website about Colegio Técnico Profesional Dos Cercas, which I was a high school student

Photo of the work: Elmer's Blog

A modern mini-blog, where I expose about my experience as a student at INA - Costa Rica

Photo of the work: Ford Design

Small web design about the renowned car company: FORD

Photo of the work: Cat Game

Interactive web application of the cat board, for user entertainment

Photo of the work: Things to Do

Interactive web application where the user types, adds, collates and eliminates various tasks

Photo of the work: MP3 Player

MP3 player that includes 5 songs and a theme allusive to electronic music

Photo of the work: Socialbook

Small website, which is very similar to the popular social network (Facebook)

Photo of the work: Calculator

Interactive web application about a calculator able to make mathematic operations

Photo of the work: Virtual Piano

Website with information about the piano, and the same instrument is represented with sonorous musical notes in real time

Photo of the work: Rincón de la Armónica

Website with information and media about the harmonica. Includes a panel with buttons to generate accesibility behaviours

Diary Icon Contact

Finally, if you are interested in contacting me so that I can participate in the web team collaborating with the design of a project, you can do it directly from any of the following means present below:

I am open for communication, it will be a great pleasure to serve!